Sunday, July 11, 2010

Owen's First Video

Khris has been working on his video skills.

Friday, July 9, 2010

22 Weeks!

Whew...Its been a busy month! We've had a mix of blessings and some stressful times. Our beautiful niece Maddison Rae was born July 2nd. Here is a picture of her. She and her mommy (Khris' sister Wendy) are healthy and happy. My dad and stepmother came to visit for a week. We have also spent a lot of quality time with my sister Lindsay, James, and niece Alyssa. They stayed with us part time after their house sold. They move into a new beautiful home July 16th.

Baby Owen is growing well. He is totally healthy. However, we have had some stressful moments. Apparently I have a two vessel umbilical cord instead of the normal three vessel cord. The doctor thinks it will not cause any problems but I will be having sonograms every two weeks going forward to make sure Owen contiues to grow well. Good news is we get to see him every two weeks! I also have had kidney stones. VERY PAINFUL! Luckly I have been feeling much better for about a week and a half. Hopefully the pain will not return!