Tuesday, May 3, 2011

1st Easter

April was a busy month. Khris and I celebrated our 5th anniversary on the 8th and Owen was 5 months on the same day! We realized 8 must be our lucky number. Even our dog was born on the 8th of Feburary. My dad and stepmom came to visit the weekend before Easter. Owen loved meeting them in person! Owen also loved Easter. He got 4 Easter baskets. One from Grandma Suzan, Grandpa and Grandma Summersgill, Grandma and Grandpa Burrell, and Mom and Dad. Khris also has a knee surgery on the 22nd. He is already doing much better. Hopefully, he will be back to normal in a couple weeks. Owen got 2 teeth this month. His bottom two front teeth have come through. He has also been rolling over from his stomach to his back, jumping a lot in his jumper, and he recently started trying to hold the spoon when he eats rice cereal. I can't believe he will be 6 months on Sunday!